Select the text, whose case has to be changed. tOGGLE cASE: Case reversed for all the characters. Capitalize each word: First letter of each word is in uppercase.ĥ. UPPERCASE: All the letters are in UPPERCASE.Ĥ. lowercase: All the letters are in lowercase.ģ. Sentence case: First letter of the sentence is in upper case whereas rest are in lowercase.Ģ. You can also change the case of selected text in your document as per the needs.There are five change case options available in word:ġ. Replace All button will change the word at once for all the occurrences. Click Find Next button to search the word and then click Replace button to change it with the new word. Type the New word or text in the Replace with box. Type the text or word that you want to change in the Find What box. Find and Replace dialog box will appear. Click Replace option in the Editing group under the Home tab. You can also replace a particular word or text after finding it in your document with a new word or text: Use Find Next button to locate other occurrences of the same word in the document. The pointer will move to the first occurrence of that word. In the Find what text box, type the word you want to search. Click Find option in the Editing group under Home Tab to open Find and Replace dialog box. If you want to search any word or text in your document at different locations: If you have reversed some command by mistake using Undo command, you can execute it by using Redo button.Īlternatively, you can also, press Ctrl+y on the keyboard to Redo the previous action. Redo button in the Quick Access Toolbar helps to reverse the effect of Undo command. If you want to reverse the last commands, click the undo option in the Quick Access Toolbar.Īlternative you can also use press Ctrl+Z on the keyboard. Microsoft word keeps the track of various commands that you use to create your document. You can also use Ctrl+c to copy and Ctrl+v to paste the selected text. Click paste option in the clipboard group. Bring the cursor to the new location where you want to copy the text. Click Copy option in the clipboard group under the Home Tab. keeping the text at original place unchanged. Using this you can copy the text from one location to another. This feature of Microsoft word 2007 helps to reduce the time and efforts involved in re-typing the similar text. You can also press Ctrl*X to cut the text and Ctrl*v to paste the text. The text will appear at the cursor position. Click Paste option from the Clipboard group.Bring the cursor to the new position where you want to shift the text.The selected text will disappear from the document. Click the Cut option from the Clipboard group under the Home tab.You can move the selected text from its existing position to the new destination in the document. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click left mouse button to select the sentence. What is the difference between a line and sentence? Keep the mouse pointer anywhere within the paragraph and triple click left mouse button to select that paragraph.īring the mouse pointer to the left side of the paragraph and double click left mouse button.Ĭlick at the beginning of the text, hold down the Shift Key and click at the end of the text. Click the left mouse button to select the line. The selected word will appear in reverse color.īring the mouse pointer to the beginning of the line in the left margin.
Place the mouse pointer on the word to be selected and double click the left mouse button to select that word. you can select a word, line, paragraph or entire document text. To make changes in the block of text, it is necessary to select it. Making changes in a document like inserting or deleting text, copying or moving text, replacing text, etc. This chapter will now take you further into the editing features using which you can modify your document anytime to give an entire new look to your document.
Children, you learned about the usage of Microsoft Word 2007 as a powerful documentation software but where lies its actual in its various editing and formatting features.